HouseJet Local Area Experts
Find Your Local Area Expert To Work With
What Makes Our Agents
Simply Better
Different from all the rest, we require our Local Area Experts to go through continuous training, agree to a code of conduct, and closely monitor their client relationships so you can feel 100% confident that you will get the advice that serves you not the agents even if that means they don’t make a commission!
Ongoing Training
You would be shocked to find out that in most states it takes less than 100 hours to take your real estate exam. So, it is up to agents to continuously learn because real estate markets can rapidly change. In order to serve you at the highest level, all Local Area Experts are required to continuously learn for their client’s best interest.
Code Of Conduct
One of our core values is open and real communication. This allows us to make sure we are giving the best advice based on each clients’ unique needs and situation…even if that won’t be something that will get the Local Area Expert paid. And that is not only okay for us, but a standard that we all adhere to in order to deliver a world class experience to you.
Real Accountability
In order to ensure that each one of our thousands of Local Area Experts are adhering to our high standards, we check in with the clients along their journey as well as the Local Area Experts. This allows us to have constant monitoring and if any Local Area Expert was found to not be in compliance, they would be replaced immediately to ensure all HouseJet clients get their first class experience.