A Little Bit About Us
The first real estate portal uniting all companies and agents
for the ultimate homebuying and selling experience.
What is HouseJet all about?
Unifying Real Estate Expertise for Unmatched Local Insight
HouseJet is the first portal to actually work directly with the top agents across every market to make sure potential homebuyers and sellers get the best advice available.
This allows people to make the best decisions for their situation even if that means now isn’t the right time! HouseJet partners with Local Area Experts instead of other companies that exist just to sell leads back to agents who will pay for them!
Meet Our Team

The HouseJet Difference
Actual Real Estate Agents, Not Big Wall Street Tech.
Since we have personally worked with thousands of homebuyers and sellers over the last two decades, we know exactly what to ask and sometimes let you know even when you don’t know to ask the questions!

Local Expertise

Proven Track Records

Honest Transparency
Working With HouseJet Experts
What Makes Our Agents Simply Better.
Different from all the rest! Our Local Area Experts undergo continuous training, adhere to a code of conduct, and are closely monitored to ensure you get unbiased advice, even if it means they don't earn a commission.
Code Of Conduct
We value open, honest communication to provide the best advice for each client's unique needs, even if it doesn't result in a commission. This standard is essential to us and ensures we deliver a world-class experience for you.
Real Accountability
In most states, real estate exams take under 100 hours, so agents must continuously learn due to rapidly changing markets. Our Local Area Experts are required to keep learning to serve you best.
Ongoing Training
In most states, real estate exams take under 100 hours, so agents must continuously learn due to rapidly changing markets. Our Local Area Experts are required to keep learning to serve you best.